This is a fantastic quote from a site I came upon.
written by Sara: "Art speaks in a loud, strident voice – boldly expressing opinions held fiercely by their creators. Art shouts from walls of galleries, as the outpouring of personal tastes, opinions and philosophies of the artists."
The link:
I created artwork for years with the notion that the viewer was the story teller. Each person viewing the piece would incorporate their story into it. I offered up no explanation nor wanted to force my view onto said viewer. I discovered that was wrong. I don't believe in postmodernism and that is what I was preaching. Who knew? I certainly did not.
The painter has something to say and it is usually specific. Just like our Creator who created heaven and earth has something to say - something beautiful. View the grand oak tree reaching to the sky worshipping it's Creator with outstretched arms! Green leaves budding in the spring, coming to life - a new creation in the magnificent sun. Can anyone look at the oak tree and have their own interpretation of the oak tree's purpose? I suppose, but what was the intention of the Master Artist? What was God's intention when He made that oak tree? What other interpretation could there be than to worship and praise Him?
"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad, let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy; they will sing before the Lord." (Psalm 96:11-13)
I am learning how to create in a different way. The past three years in particular I have learned that I can worship God in creating artwork. The art is my song. Sometimes I forget this however and I get an idea and create while excluding Him. I look elsewhere for inspiration. I don't pray. Sara in her post says to beware of this. Such a wise note of caution.
So back to the quote that started this post. I love the visual of art shouting from gallery walls.
The creation SHOUTS from earth, as the outpouring of the intentions of the Master Creator. The Ultimate Artist - God.
Thank God for the reminder and this new blog of encouragement.